Source code for quiver.constructions

from sage.combinat.root_system.dynkin_diagram import DynkinDiagram
from sage.combinat.root_system.weyl_characters import WeylCharacterRing
from sage.matrix.special import block_diagonal_matrix, zero_matrix
from sage.rings.integer_ring import ZZ

from . import Quiver

[docs] def disjoint_union(Q1, Q2): """Returns the disjoint union of two quivers Q1 and Q2. EXAMPLES: We construct the disjoint union of 2 generalized Kronecker quivers:: sage: from quiver import * sage: Q1 = GeneralizedKroneckerQuiver(3) sage: Q2 = GeneralizedKroneckerQuiver(4) sage: Q = disjoint_union(Q1,Q2) sage: Q disjoint union of 3-Kronecker quiver and 4-Kronecker quiver """ if Q1.get_custom_name() and Q2.get_custom_name(): name = ( "disjoint union of " + Q1.get_custom_name() + " and " + Q2.get_custom_name() ) else: name = None return Quiver( block_diagonal_matrix( Q1.adjacency_matrix(), Q2.adjacency_matrix(), subdivide=False ), name=name, )
"""Special quivers"""
[docs] def GeneralizedKroneckerQuiver(m: int): r""" Return the generalized Kronecker quiver The generalized Kronecker quiver has two vertices and ``m`` arrows from the first to the second vertex. INPUT: - ``m`` -- integer; number of arrows in the quiver OUTPUT: the generalized Kronecker quiver as Quiver instance EXAMPLES: The generalized Kronecker quiver is as claimed:: sage: from quiver import * sage: Q = GeneralizedKroneckerQuiver(3) sage: Q.number_of_vertices() 2 sage: Q.number_of_arrows() 3 """ return Quiver([[0, m], [0, 0]], name="{}-Kronecker quiver".format(m))
[docs] def KroneckerQuiver(m: int = 2): r""" Return the Kronecker quiver The Kronecker quiver has two vertices and 2 arrow from the first to the second vertex. If the optional parameter ``m`` is specified we construct the generalized Kronecker quiver on ``m`` arrows; INPUT: - ``m`` -- integer (default: `2`); number of arrows in the quiver OUTPUT: the Kronecker quiver as Quiver instance EXAMPLES: The Kronecker quiver is as claimed:: sage: from quiver import * sage: Q = KroneckerQuiver() sage: Q.number_of_vertices() 2 sage: Q.number_of_arrows() 2 If we specify the number of arrows, we construct a generalized Kronecker quiver:: sage: KroneckerQuiver(3) == GeneralizedKroneckerQuiver(3) True """ return GeneralizedKroneckerQuiver(m)
[docs] def ThreeVertexQuiver(m12: int, m13: int, m23: int): r""" Constructs a 3-vertex quiver, with and :math:`m_{i,j}` arrows from `i` to `j`. Thus it is always an acyclic quiver. INPUT: - ``m12`` -- integer; number of arrows from 1 to 2 - ``m13`` -- integer; number of arrows from 1 to 3 - ``m23`` -- integer; number of arrows from 2 to 3 EXAMPLES: A 3-vertex quiver with 5 arrows:: sage: from quiver import * sage: Q = ThreeVertexQuiver(2, 2, 1); Q an acyclic 3-vertex quiver of type (2, 2, 1) sage: Q.number_of_arrows() 5 """ Q = Quiver( [[0, m12, m13], [0, 0, m23], [0, 0, 0]], name="an acyclic 3-vertex quiver of type {}".format( (m12, m13, m23), ), ) return Q
[docs] def LoopQuiver(m: int): r""" Return the quiver with 1 vertex and ``m`` loops. This is a synonym for :func:`GeneralizedJordanQuiver`. EXAMPLES: This is a synonym:: sage: from quiver import * sage: LoopQuiver(7) == GeneralizedJordanQuiver(7) True .. SEEALSO:: :func:`GeneralizedJordanQuiver` EXAMPLES: The loop quiver with 7 loops:: sage: from quiver import * sage: Q = LoopQuiver(7) sage: Q.adjacency_matrix() [7] """ Q = GeneralizedJordanQuiver(m) Q.rename("{}-loop quiver".format(m)) return Q
[docs] def JordanQuiver(m: int = 1): r""" Return the generalized Jordan quiver with ``m`` loops The default value for ``m`` is 1. This is a synonym:: sage: from quiver import * sage: JordanQuiver(7) == GeneralizedJordanQuiver(7) True .. SEEALSO:: :func:`GeneralizedJordanQuiver` EXAMPLES: The Jordan quiver has one loop:: sage: from quiver import * sage: Q = JordanQuiver() sage: Q.adjacency_matrix() [1] """ return GeneralizedJordanQuiver(m)
[docs] def GeneralizedJordanQuiver(m: int): r""" Return the generalized Jordan quiver with ``m`` loops INPUT: - ``m`` -- integer; the number of loops in the generalized Jordan quiver OUTPUT: the generalized Jordan quiver EXAMPLES: The generalized Jordan quiver has 1 vertex and ``m`` arrows:: sage: from quiver import * sage: Q = GeneralizedJordanQuiver(7) sage: Q.number_of_vertices() 1 sage: Q.number_of_arrows() 7 """ Q = Quiver([[m]], name="generalized Jordan quiver with {} loops".format(m)) if m == 1: Q.rename("Jordan quiver") return Q
[docs] def SubspaceQuiver(m: int): r""" Return the subspace quiver with ``m`` sources The sources are labelled :math:`1,\ldots,m` and the sink is :math:`m+1`; there is one arrow from every source to the sink. INPUT: - ``m`` -- integer; the number of sources in the subspace quiver OUTPUT: the subspace quiver with ``m`` sources EXAMPLES: The subspace quiver with ``m`` sources has ``m`` arrows and ``m+1`` vertices:: sage: from quiver import * sage: Q = SubspaceQuiver(6) sage: Q.number_of_vertices() 7 sage: Q.number_of_arrows() 6 The subspace quiver with 2 sources is also a 3-vertex quiver:: sage: SubspaceQuiver(2) == ThreeVertexQuiver(0, 1, 1) True """ M = zero_matrix(ZZ, m + 1) for i in range(m): M[i, m] = 1 Q = Quiver(M, "{}-subspace quiver".format(m)) return Q
[docs] def ThickenedSubspaceQuiver(m, k): r""" Return the thickened subspace quiver with ``m`` sources The sources are labelled :math:`1,\ldots,m` and the sink is :math:`m+1`; there are ``k`` arrows from every source to the sink. - ``m`` -- integer; the number of sources in the subspace quiver - ``k`` -- integer; the number arrows from a source to the sink OUTPUT: the subspace quiver with ``m`` sources and ``k`` arrows from each source EXAMPLES: The ``k``-thickened subspace quiver with ``m`` sources has ``km`` arrows, ``m+1`` vertices:: sage: from quiver import * sage: Q = ThickenedSubspaceQuiver(6, 2) sage: Q.number_of_vertices() 7 sage: Q.number_of_arrows() 12 The ``k``-thickened subspace quiver with 2 sources is also a 3-vertex quiver:: sage: ThickenedSubspaceQuiver(2, 6) == ThreeVertexQuiver(0, 6, 6) True """ Q = GeneralizedSubspaceQuiver(m, [k] * m) Q.rename( "thickened subspace quiver with {} sources and multiplicity {}".format(m, k) ) return Q
[docs] def GeneralizedSubspaceQuiver(m, K): r""" Return the generalized subspace quiver with ``m`` sources and multiplicities ``K`` The sources are labelled :math:`1,\ldots,m` and the sink is :math:`m+1`; there are are :math:`K_i` arrows from every source :math:`i=1,\ldots,m` to the sink. - ``m`` -- integer; the number of sources in the subspace quiver - ``K`` -- list of integers; the number arrows from the `i`-th source to the sink OUTPUT: the subspace quiver with ``m`` sources and ``K_i`` arrows from each source EXAMPLES: The generalized subspace quiver with `m` sources and multiplicities `K` has :math:`\sum_{i=1}^mK_i` arrows and :math:`m+1` vertices:: sage: from quiver import * sage: Q = GeneralizedSubspaceQuiver(6, (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)) sage: Q.number_of_vertices() 7 sage: Q.number_of_arrows() 21 The generalized subspace quiver with 2 sources is also a 3-vertex quiver:: sage: GeneralizedSubspaceQuiver(2, (2, 3)) == ThreeVertexQuiver(0, 2, 3) True """ assert len(K) == m M = zero_matrix(ZZ, m + 1) for i in range(m): M[i, m] = K[i] Q = Quiver(M, name="a generalized {}-subspace quiver".format(m)) return Q
[docs] def DynkinQuiver(T): r""" Return the Dynkin quiver of type `T` The type `T` is to be taken as in the Sage method `DynkinDiagram`, and the quiver is oriented lexigraphically in the vertices of the diagram. INPUT: - ``T``: a Dynkin type, as documented in the Sage method `DynkinDiagram` OUTPUT: the Dynkin quiver with lexicographic ordering on the vertices EXAMPLES: The :math:`\mathrm{A}_2` quiver is the generalized Kronecker quiver with 1 arrow:: sage: from quiver import * sage: DynkinQuiver("A2") == GeneralizedKroneckerQuiver(1) True The Dynkin quiver :math:`\mathrm{D}_4` is a different orientation of the 3-subspace quiver:: sage: DynkinQuiver("D4") == SubspaceQuiver(3) False We can also consider disconnected Dynkin quivers:: sage: Q = DynkinQuiver("A3xA4") sage: Q.is_connected() False """ M = DynkinDiagram(T).adjacency_matrix() # orient the quiver lexicographically for i in range(M.nrows()): for j in range(i): M[i, j] = 0 return Quiver(M, "Dynkin quiver of type {}".format(T))
[docs] def ExtendedDynkinQuiver(T): r""" Return the Dynkin quiver of type `T` The type `T` is a string which can be passed onto the Sage method `DynkinDiagram`, and the quiver is oriented lexigraphically in the vertices of the diagram. The special vertex thus comes first. INPUT: - ``T`` -- string: a Dynkin type, as documented in the Sage method `DynkinDiagram` OUTPUT: the extended Dynkin quiver with lexicographic ordering on the vertices EXAMPLES: The extended :math:`\mathrm{A}_1` quiver is the Kronecker quiver:: sage: from quiver import * sage: ExtendedDynkinQuiver("A1") == KroneckerQuiver() True """ # the adjacency matrix of an extended Dynkin diagram ignores multiple arrows # so we modify the Cartan matrix D = WeylCharacterRing(T).extended_dynkin_diagram() M = -D.cartan_matrix() # orient the quiver lexicographically for i in range(M.nrows()): M[i, i] = 0 for j in range(i): M[i, j] = 0 return Quiver(M, "Extended Dynkin quiver of type {}".format(T))
[docs] def CyclicQuiver(n): r""" Return the cyclic quiver on ``n`` vertices This is the quiver with ``n`` vertices and ``n`` arrows from `i` to `i+1` for :math:`i=1,\ldots,n`, with `n+1=1`. INPUT: - ``n``-- integer; the number of vertices (and arrows) OUTPUT: cyclic quiver on `n` vertices EXAMPLES: The doubled Dynkin quiver of type :math:`\mathrm{A}_2` is also the cyclic quiver on 2 vertices:: sage: from quiver import * sage: CyclicQuiver(2) == DynkinQuiver("A2").doubled_quiver() True """ M = zero_matrix(n) for i in range(n): M[i, (i + 1) % n] = 1 return Quiver(M, "Cyclic quiver on {} vertices".format(n))
[docs] def BipartiteQuiver(m, n): r""" Return the bipartite quiver with ``m`` sources and ``n`` sinks This is the quiver with `m+n` vertices, having 1 arrow from each of the first `m` vertices to the each of the last `n` vertices. INPUT: - ``m`` -- non-negative integer; number of sources - ``n`` -- non-negative integer; number of sinks OUTPUT: bipartite quiver with ``m`` sources and ``n`` sinks EXAMPLES: When `m=n=1` we get the :math:`\mathrm{A}_2` quiver:: sage: from quiver import * sage: BipartiteQuiver(1, 1) == DynkinQuiver("A2") True When `m=2` and `n=1` we get a 3-vertex quiver:: sage: BipartiteQuiver(2, 1) == ThreeVertexQuiver(0, 1, 1) True """ M = zero_matrix(m + n) for i in range(m): for j in range(n): M[i, m + j] = 1 return Quiver(M, "bipartite quiver on {} sources and {} sinks".format(m, n))